Pilot Review: Constantine

Hello guys!

Let’s talk about TV series: this new one was already famous even before the actual teaser. It’s “Constantine”.

Anyone remembers the movie with Keanu Reeves? That’s right. And it’s even better: John Constantine is actually blonde and with a trenchcoat (and who am I to ignore a series with a trenchcoated handsome guy?)

The series is based on a comic series of DC called “Hellblazer”. John Constantine, the protagonist, is a cynic, snarky anti-hero who is also a master in occult and magic. He has a smoking addiction and… lots of sarcasm.

[attention: spoilers]

In this pilot, we see Constantine (Matt Ryan) being pulled in a world of Demons and Angels and supernatural creatures again, after he decided to put himself into a mental hospital to forget something really bad: the fact that he couldn’t save a little girl from Hell’s damnation after she was possessed by a demon.

Constantine receives a message and decides to get back to “work”. He needs to save the daughter of an old friend, Liv (Lucy Griffiths). For an unknown reason, a demon is trying to kill her. So, John steps in and informs the girl: her father, whom she thinks died when she was little, was actually a medium and died just a year ago. After convincing the girl, they work togheter to send the demon back to Hell. But that’s just the beginning: seems like something big is coming for John and Liv.

Well, what do I think?

I like the resemblance with the original character: maybe the actor is a lil bit younger but that doesn’t hurt, does it?
I like the supernatural atmosphere and the snarky attitude of Constantine. He’s a man who has seen many bad things and isn’t pulling up a face of happiness or solidarity: he just doesn’t care. And it’s part of the charm.

I did like the presence of POC, like the angel who warns and follows John and Astra, the little girl, even though they don’t have a preminent role for now.

What I did not like was that all the people who were possessed at some part of the episode were all women, in contrast to the team of “experts” of the occult who all seem to be men, and I don’t get the reason behind this choice. I still don’t know how to categorize Liv: she seems to be part of both worlds. I hope that in the next episodes we’ll see more women in the part of the supernatural hunters, and less in the part of the passive possessed body.

I understand it’s just a pilot, so they needed the story to be quick and interesting. It’s actually at a very fast pace, and hopefully the next episodes will be a little bit slower (I don’t mind some simmering πŸ˜‰ ).
I loved some references in the images, like the fire behind the angel or the faces of demons on the wall in the dark alley.

In conclusion, it seems a nice show, with some problems that can be fixed in the long run.
I’d say you should give it a try, especially if you’re a fan of supernatural, occult and snarky characters.

I’m looking forward to see the next episode, airing on 25th October (my birthday!).

See you soon, John Constantine.


The awkward geeky girl

Supernatural Season 10: what I’m expecting to see

Gosh, it’s almost time for a new Supernatural Season! Yayy!

And here go my hopes, expectations and whatnot.

So, as I did last time with Season 9, I want to share with you some spoilers for this season:

1) Sam will have more space during this season. He had a smaller role during Season 9, being Castiel and Metatron the main focus of the plot.

2) Sheriff Mills will be back again (hopefully she won’t die). I love the Supernatural ladies, especially Jody Mills and Charlie Bradbury.

3) The “Deanmon” will be an exaggerated version of Dean, not a completely different being. “[…]it’s like an ultra version of a womanizing party animal”

4) Rumors say there will be a Musical Episode! I can’t wait to see the guys sing and dance πŸ˜€

5) Again about Deanmon: during the first episodes he’ll often be bound and chained.

6) Cas is concerned about Demon!Dean and will try to resolve the problem, but is also affected by the lack of a proper grace.

7) There probably won’t be any serious female love interest for the Winchester guys, but we already know Dean will hook up with a girl.

So there are the main spoilers.

What do I think, instead?

Well, I think that there will be a lot of problems concerning Deanmon. He’s the worst version of himself and he probably has no moral code or any rule that can stop him. I expect to see a concerned Sam, but also a serious confrontation between the brothers. Dean won’t have any problem to point out Sam’s flaws and mistakes, and that will bring a LOT of Angst.

I don’t think Cas will have a giant role, because of the big conflict between the Brothers. But I hope that they’ll manage to give him a few episodes, cause I love Castiel and I wouldn’t be happy without some Angel (?) action!

Apart from that, I’m already a little bit pissed about the hook up of Deanmon. I mean, sure, he’s now acting like the worst version of himself, but do we really need to cast another unmeaningful female love sex-interest for the sake of a big no homo?

And finally. What about Crowley? We’ve seen him become addicted to human blood, but he didn’t lose his evilness, so clearly he won’t in this season, too. But how will they cope with the fact that he’s still addicted? Will they mention it? And how’s Dean going to react?

I find Deanmon fascinating, but I hope it won’t last long. We’ve already seen the womanizer, the badboy Dean Winchester. Okay, he’s now verging more to the violent side, but was he really different than (for example) the very first seasons? I don’t think so.
So, I hope we’ll see an evolution, like we did during Season 8.

I’m also very happy that Sam is not the one possessed XD hahaha! He had his fair amount of various possession, poor Sammy.

Last but no least: I said that Jody Mills will be back, but I hope Charlie will, too. I absolutely love Felicia Day and her character is a mix that I can’t resist (also, pictures nerds/geeks in a positive way).

What about you? What do you think about this oncoming season?

The awkward geeky girl